SoftSolutions! is happy to announce that the Major Release 2014 for the XTAuctions! suite (including XTAuctions!Italy, XTAuctions!Spain, XTOptes! and XTOpen!) is now available.
With our customers’ precious feedback and collaboration we have been able to enhance its features and so to have a better product.
XTAuctions! is a front-office, multi-user application that allows participation in the bidding for new bonds issued by the primary markets. XTAuctions! has established itself as a reference standard for European Primary markets: almost half of the Italian and Spanish Government Bond Specialists are using the platform on either one or indeed both systems.
Now, with the new improvements and advantages brought by XTAuctions! Major Release 2014, our customers are benefiting from:
Faster auction results: we have cut the time needed for result acquisition, and have designed a more eye-catching notification of auction results. Internal estimates give an improvement of 1 to 4 seconds in reaction time;
Conformity with Central Banks emergency procedures: it provides the new Emergency Fax layout required by Banca d’Italia and Banco de España and management of zero-yield bids for Italian T-Bills according to Bank of Italy requirements;
Organisational Improvement: User Management (UM) is now configurable and can be enhanced with the bank’s own security policies; with the new UM customers can rapidly resolve issues related to user authentication (i.e. forgotten password or change of password); UM can also be federated with the customer’s internal UM systems;
Enhanced Trading User Experience: smooth interface management, combined with a smarter and more effective presentation of results on the GUI.
Mr Roberto Cocchi, SoftSolutions! CEO commented: “We are very pleased with the improvement of our XTAuctions! platform. We think it will provide our customers with an even better solution when participating to Auctions, especially at a time when it is paramount for Dealers to use technology they really can trust. We thank our customers for the precious help and advice they gave us in order to improve XTAuctions!, contributing to the achievement of what is a significant leap forward in Primary Auctions technology.”