VSoft Corporation, a global information and technology provider of process improvement tools for financial institutions, has formed a partnership with Getronics, a $4.1 billion global IT services company. Getronics will integrate VSoft's remote image capture technology with Getronics' retail banking applications, enabling financial institutions to capture images at the teller station and transmit the image in compliance with Check 21 legislation.
"Today's tellers are focused on customer service and fast, accurate transaction processing," said Leni Selvaggio, financial services director, Getronics. "The integration of VSoft's check image capture and validation with Getronics branch transaction processing and service applications provides every teller with an easy process that reduces keystrokes while providing multiple points of data validation."
VSoft's remote image capture technology, integrated with Getronics' retail banking applications, performs in-line recognition on the MICR and Courtesy Amount / Legal Amount, decreasing the number of keystrokes required for the teller to process a transaction. Deposit discrepancies can be immediately corrected before the customer leaves the teller window and the customer is handed a receipt with the accurate deposit amount, which eliminates many steps in the traditional back office where an adjustment would have to mailed to the customer a day or two later. In addition, VSoft's remote image capture will provide check fraud detection, alerting the teller and flagging such fraudulent transactions.
Retailers and other businesses using the capture system and Getronics solutions can consolidate their deposits into a single preferred bank, averting any geographic dependency. Funds become available sooner, as personnel no longer have to schedule trips to the bank for the deposit, and checks are scanned as they are received.
All the check images captured at remote locations are consolidated and funneled to the central site using VSoft's eDesk Genesis. eDesk Genesis allows the central site to exchange and clear the checks through myriad clearing networks. Checks can be converted into Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions and routed through the ACH network, sent as part of the Federal Reserve's Image Cash Letter (X9.37), or routed through a third party electronic exchange network such as SVPCO or Endpoint Exchange. A sophisticated, parameter driven engine at the central site decides the most efficient and cost effective method to clear the check.
"As Check 21 legislation is changing the landscape of the payment industry, there are significant efficiencies to be gained by capturing check images and proofing the deposits at the teller window," said Murthy Veeraghanta, president, VSoft Corporation. "Getronics' knowledge of the transaction systems coupled with VSoft's imaging experience form a comprehensive capture solution that combines the best of both companies."