Linedata Services, a major international player on the market for financial IT solutions, announced that Bank Austria Creditanstalt Leasing (BA-CA Leasing) has chosen Linedata's EKIP solution to manage the entire life cycle of its financing contracts.
With a market share exceeding 26% in Austria and a dominant position on Central and Eastern European markets, BA-CA Leasing offers its customers a comprehensive range of products, including real-estate, equipment and vehicle leasing as well as vendor leasing and cross-border leasing.
Having decided to replace its finance management system in order to support its ambitious development strategy more effectively, BA-CA Leasing issued an international call for tenders, and opted for the EKIP solution. As Paul-Werner Süss, Head of BA-CA Leasing's Organization/IT Division, explains, "In the course of our decision-making process, we were looking for a solution that covered all our functional needs, supplied by a partner with in-depth knowledge of our business in an international context. Linedata Services was the tenderer that best met these requirements."
Philippe Gaillard, Business Development Director of Linedata Services' Leasing & Credit Finance Department, adds, "Once again, we have proved our ability to win major international contracts, especially on the German-speaking markets, which are among the most competitive in Europe. Supplying a key player like BA-CA Leasing, positions our company on such growth markets as those of Central and Eastern Europe, and strengthens our pan-European leadership in the field of enterprise and personal financing solutions."