SunGard's IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio is now available. The Studio helps financial institutions catalogue expected reconciliation results for every reconciliation across the operational landscape.
It also monitors and evaluates performance against this catalogue in real time and over time to rapidly respond to irregular events that can affect reconciliation service quality and cost.
"A reconciliation inventory documents the target behavior for a reconciliation service, but few firms are effectively capturing this critical information. Even fewer are able to provide centralized monitoring across their inventory. Fewer still have automated or systemic processes to support or optimize these activities. Firms need to addresses the importance of reconciliation services to maintain, monitor and optimize their reconciliation inventory; helping ensure that service quality and efficiency reach and retain highest levels." -Gert Reaves, senior analyst, CEB TowerGroup.
"Within financial institutions, reconciliation centers of excellence are service providers responsible for delivering multiple and complex sets of processes on a daily basis, globally. As service recipients, lines of business will measure the performance and quality of this activity: not only its cost-effectiveness but also its ability to deliver the right processes, with great precision, at the expected time. The launch of SunGard's IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio helps financial institutions tackle the three main challenges of fragmentation, delivery quality, and enterprise efficiency, to ultimately meet their goals of process optimization, raised service levels and operational cost reduction." - Richard Chapman, director, product management, IntelliMatch, SunGard.