Because executives at Consumers National Bank (CNB) wanted to provide their customers with the opportunity to perform the safest possible self-service transactions, they equipped their branches with Diebold's Opteva automated teller machines (ATMs).
"When we analyzed what the ATM market had to offer with respect to ATM security, Diebold provided the best overall solution," said Steven L. Muckley, president and CEO of CNB. "Opteva's advanced hardware and software security solutions satisfied our growing needs and were easily integrated into our network, which proves that Diebold understands our ATM security needs."
CNB recently decided to replace its network of OS/2-based ATMs with Windows-based Opteva ATMs that include the Sygate Server Management System and Net Op, a software solution that distributes software to and allows for the remote control of ATMs.
"Our comprehensive ATM security offering is unsurpassed in the marketplace," said David Bucci, senior vice president of Customer Solutions at Diebold. "It includes standard, integrated Opteva security features: exclusive operating system protection, ATM alarm monitoring and remote management software that receives, analyzes and responds to status operating messages sent by a terminal."
CNB's Opteva units contain the latest enhanced ATM security features. Every module on the ATM has integrated sensors to detect fraudulent tampering. For example, the card reader is configured with jitter technology to deter skimming. It also incorporates enhanced phishing features that ensure ATM cards are not trapped.
"Customer satisfaction is our number one priority, and because ATMs are one of the most frequently used self-service delivery channels, I want to ensure the protection of personal account information of every person that uses our ATMs," said Jim Carter, director of security at CNB.
Another aspect of ATM security involves industry concerns over the security of the ATM within the Windows-based environment and TCP/IP. Diebold's proactive approach to data security recommends preventative steps, including the proper firewall installation and configuration.
However, because many financial institutions require anti-virus software on all devices - including ATMs - this type of security is of little value unless updated frequently. Unfortunately, constantly updating software on an ATM may present additional unwarranted risks from viruses because ATMs must be operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Therefore, the only way to assure compatibility with existing software is to thoroughly test all new anti-virus software.
"Prevention is the most effective and sensible solution," said Paul Hugenberg, chief information officer at CNB. "Diebold allows us to protect our systems and our customers by only allowing our directed applications to function. Unapproved activity is prevented before it can occur. We are independent from our reliance on the traditional virus detection mechanisms and numerous software upgrades."