ITG, a leading execution and research broker, today announced the launch of Smart Trading Monitor, the latest feature in the ITG Smart Trading Analytics suite.
Smart Trading Monitor is a web-based dynamic TCA tool which enables institutional traders and portfolio managers to track global equity trading performance in real-time.
"Smart Trading Monitor is a powerful tool for institutional investors, allowing them to view and track execution performance with a high level of transparency and best-in-class monitoring tools, said Ian Domowitz, Head of Analytics at ITG. "Through Smart Trading Monitor, institutional traders and portfolio managers can now monitor trader and broker execution performance across a broad range of benchmarks and regions, taking into account historical and current market conditions, as well as the statistical deviation between them. The tool provides users the ability to rapidly identify outlier or sensitive trades, drill down for specific context at the broker, venue or security level, and take corrective action if necessary."
Also commenting on the launch, ITG's Head of Platforms, Will Geyer, said "Smart Trading Monitor provides a crucial information bridge between portfolio managers, institutional traders and brokers, encouraging dynamic feedback and review of order and execution behavior which can ultimately be used to improve the quality of trade execution decisions and reduce market impact."
Smart Trading Monitor is powered by order and execution data routed over ITG Net, a global FIX network. Smart Trading Monitor is a flexible web and mobile accessible application, integrated with ITG's Triton® execution management system and ITG OMS and compatible with most third-party OMS or EMS platforms. Smart Trading Monitor is the latest tool in ITG's suite of pre- and post-trade analytics which empower traders and portfolio managers to predict costs that may otherwise be overlooked and adjust their tactics prior to and during the trade.