TAS Group and Payair South Europe S.A. signed a partnership agreement to launch a joint solution for mobile commerce.
The new offering integrates the payment platform designed by Payair, a Swedish company leader in the Scandinavian mobile payments market, with a customization solution supplied by TAS, supporting complex realities, such as the large-scale retailers, that require advanced automation of their purchase and payment processes. The platform will also adopt the TAS Multi- Acquiring Tool, to allow the management of different acquirers.
The offer is enriched by value-added services such as geo- marketing, advanced CRM and Business Intelligence.
The new solution - based on QRCode reading - supports eCommerce transactions, proximity payments (NFC) and remote payments (i.e. via QRCode).
The operations are handled in a simple and safe way: the user can register his credit card and thanks to the Cloud architecture no sensitive data are saved on his smartphone and exchanged during the transaction. As a proof of the attention paid to the security issue, all PayAir procedures and service centers are PCI / DSS certified.
The purchase takes just a few seconds to be completed: through the dedicated App (available on Itunes, Android Market and Windows Phone Store), the user can scan a QR code specifically related to a product, a Merchant or a transaction, then safely finalize the transaction by entering a proprietary PIN.
"The agreement with PayAir will allow us to leverage all the expertise and developments on the Mobile channel achieved through our platform TEMPO and
gives us the opportunity to provide our customers with Cloud services," said Andrea Bianchi, TAS Epay Director, "This delivery model, dedicated primarily to corporate customers, enables our companies to access a new market segment, with an offering focused on the most innovative channels. "
"The agreement with TAS is crucial for Payair South Europe," adds Pierpaolo Griffa, CEO of the company, "it will enable our customers to take full advantage of our services and their great flexibility when integrated into their IT architectures and businesses. They will enjoy fast and secure payment solutions on any sales channel, and at the same time they will benefit from significant cost reductions and more effective management of the financial circuits and communication with the consumers, throughout the process of evaluation and purchase ".