IPO Village launches website to offer crowdfunding of Nasdaq IPOs.
Without prejudice or favoritism, retail investors can sign up for upcoming IPOs. Any small investor can participate in the next ground floor IPO investment opportunity. This new IPO strategy guarantees no favoritism. Shareholders receive free trading stock, liquidity and a clear exit strategy for investors.
IPO Village will host IPOs of investment banking firm First Line Capital's portfolio companies. Retail investors eager to know more about the debut IPO offering, expected in the Fall, should record their interest at www.ipovillage.com
Daniel Hirsch, Managing Partner, First Line Capital, states, "This alliance with IPO Village is the first of its kind on the public company side. Our deal flow is certainly admired throughout the industry and now First Line's dynamic new offerings will finally get the kind of exposure that will open those investments to the general public. Without playing any favorites, our new public company IPOs will be crowdfunded and placed in the hands of even the smallest investors. Our shareholder's IPO stock is free-trading offering liquidity and a clear exit strategy. There is no investor prejudice involved; everyone is treated equally. Crowdfunding with IPO Village levels the playing field. No more IPOs exclusive to the 1%. We have campaigns running on Google Search, Google Plus, Facebook and LinkedIn. Now, because of the evolution of social media and crowdfunding, IPO investments at IPO Village are available to the 99%."
To participate in the next IPO, investors are signing up early at the www.ipovillage.com website to guarantee a place in line. Signing up means when the portfolio company's IPO is declared effective and open for investment by the SEC, investors on the IPO Village list are notified to participate in the offering. In years past, these investors were most likely not eligible to participate through prejudice or other restrictions.