Clear2Pay, the international technology provider of next generation payment solutions, and DUALi, a Korean Smart Card Solutions Provider, announce today that DUALi's Near Field Communication (NFC) device has been certified for NFC Forum Digital Conformance by the Korean certification laboratory KTC.
The certification of the DUALi device is one of the first NFC devices to meet the demanding standards of the NFC Forum, the non-profit industry organization for NFC technology deployment.
The NFC Forum's Certification Program ensures that NFC Forum-certified products are conform the NFC Forum standards and offers assurance of the interoperability between NFC devices which is a key element for consumer confidence. Under this program, DUALi has submitted their device to KTC, an authorized test laboratory who applied Clear2Pay's NFC Forum-validated test solution to successfully validate DUALi's Dragon NFC device.
DUALi's Dragon is a USB-based reader developed to support NFC and contactless smart card functionalities. It can be used as a standalone device but can also easily be integrated into payment devices such as ATM, Point-Of-Sale terminals or NFC-enabled kiosks. The Dragon™ is developed to serve several applications including Automatic Fare Collection applications, payment and loyalty.
Ken Kwon, Managing Director at DUALi states: "Being one of the very first suppliers of an NFC Forum certified device is a significant reward for our commitment to the advancement of NFC technology. Using Clear2Pay's Digital Conformance Test Solution during development and as a pre-certification tool, enabled a flawless and efficient validation at the KTC laboratory."
Mr Yang, Project Manager at KTC mentions: "This is the first successful NFC Forum certification in Korea and one of the first in general. As a third party test laboratory, we are thrilled to be involved in this trailblazing project and work with an NFC Forum Partner such as Clear2Pay. This certification enriched our testing services and will facilitate the further advancement of NFC technology in Korea."
Ian Kerr, General Manager Clear2Pay Open Test Solutions adds: "The industry is progressively acknowledging the testing prerequisite. It will be a catalyst for global acceeptance of mobile technologies and the applications these ignite. We are pleased to be instrumental to both solution providers like DUALi and certification authorities such as KTC."