Accelize, the industry leader in ultra-low latency FPGA-based network processing platforms and Enyx, a leading provider of turnkey FPGA-based solutions for trading firms, today announced a partnership aimed at providing acceleration solutions to the financial services industry.
The combination of ACCELIZE ultra-low latency FPGA network adapter cards and infrastructure building blocks (IP) and ENYX financial expertise, FPGA design expertise, and finance-specific building blocks (IP) will enable their joint customers to design and deploy customized ultra-low latency FPGA based trading, basket pricing and pre-trade risk solutions whether they are FPGA experts or not.
Current ENYX turnkey solutions based on ACCELIZE FPGA platforms already enable customers to achieve sub-microsecond latency market data processing and order execution and provide orders of magnitude superior performance for algorithmic trading, as compared to conventional software-based and hybrid approaches. By providing all of the key components needed for building high-end FPGA-based solutions, ENYX and ACCELIZE are jointly defining the standards required to succeed in any FPGA-based development.
ENYX CEO Arnaud Derasse stated "ENYX is concentrating on delivering solutions with the best quality to enable the best user experience ever seen using FPGAs. This is why we are requiring the same level of quality for the hardware platforms we use. We are glad to announce this partnership today, between two companies sharing the same values and strategic view. We anticipate that the move from software to hardware in latency-sensitive domains such as finance will require a market shift to standardized and widely-used pre-integrated hardware IP cores and board solutions."
According to Stephane Hauradou, VP of ACCELIZE "ACCELIZE creates leading FPGA network platforms, focused on providing ease of integration and a quick time-to-design for our worldwide customer base. By partnering with an innovative company like ENYX, we can bring more specialized solutions to market, in particular to the financial services industry, increasing customer satisfaction and reducing their time-to-market."