The HypoVereinsbank offers its corporate customers a new mobile banking solution called UC eBanking app which is available for iPhone. The app is based on CoCoNet's MULTIVERSA EBICS App.
The new mobile banking application works with the EBICS standard and thus acts as a mobile EBICS client system that can connect with any EBICS banking server. Users can look up account statements and further account details from their HypoVereinsbank accounts and from other banks and, of course, also initiate payments.
The MULTIVERSA EBICS App makes use of the EBICS concept of the Distributed Digital Signature (DDS). Via the app users can view payments to be signed or co-signed from various accounts and electronically sign these payments.
Our customer, the HypoVereinsbank, made with the app a valuable early mover advantage in professional online banking," says Ulrich Lischewski, CEO of CoCoNet.
The MULTIVERSA EBICS App enables corporate customers to manage their bank accounts in a smart way from any place 24/7. The app's user-friendliness and the high security standards create additional benefits for HypoVereinsbank by increasing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
The testing and certification provider TÜV Rheinland confirmed that CoCoNet's iPhone mobile banking apps meet excellent security standards.