Investors can now get up-to-date HKEx news and market information through HKEx Mobile, a new website designed for smartphones launched by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx).
HKEx's desktop website is already a popular destination for the latest market numbers, stock code lookups, and turnover information on HKEx's securities and derivatives markets. With HKEx Mobile, the information has been taken from the desktop and re-designed for smaller smartphone screens.
HKEx Mobile features the latest market data from the securities and derivatives markets, stock quote search, and most recent news releases. Furthermore, HKEx Mobile incorporates information from the HKExnews website, making it easy for people on the go to get the latest information released by HKEx or its markets.
HKEx Mobile can be found at It is compatible with most popular smartphone operating systems including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry and Symbian.