J.P. Morgan today announced the launch of a mobile application for its DR (Depositary Receipt) clients.
The ADR Issuer Services app, which is free of charge and available for download via the iTunes app store, will provide J.P. Morgan DR issuer clients with instant access to business critical information housed on adr.com.
Sharing the same functions and features as the Issuer Services section of adr.com, the mobile app will provide clients with access to their DR program information. Specifically, issuer clients will have access to the following:
Latest price performance data and graphs
Daily activity, issuances, cancellations with graphs
Index and select peer performance
Comprehensive daily trade report
Top issuing and cancelling brokers
Display SEC F-6 limits, threshold and current status
"We are delighted to announce the launch of the ADR Issuer Services mobile app," said Dennis Bon, Global Head of J.P. Morgan's Depositary Receipts business. "This app, which is the first of its kind in the DR industry, exemplifies that we are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to provide added value and efficiency to our clients across the globe."
"It is our top priority to provide clients with easily accessible real-time information that is essential to their business objectives," said Sarah Gill, Global Platform Executive for J.P. Morgan WSS. "J.P. Morgan continues to invest in new mobile technologies and rapidly expand upon existing solutions in order to respond to changes in the market and the evolving needs of our client base."