The SmartSafe.iQ product was created in 2003 by BS/2, a member of the group of companies Penki kontinentai.
This solution allows optimizing the branch operation, facilitating the implementation of control over the operation of automatized safe deposits, making appropriate decisions more quickly, and automatizing preparation of reports, including the selection of statistical data, forecasts, and workflow improvement. Since this is a multivendor module, it managed to gain itself a name both in Lithuania and abroad. Among the clients interested in this product are companies from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Lebanon, and Panama.
The intense development of high technology contributed to a significant change of customer needs. In this regard, in 2011 the company BS/2 that possesses many years' experience in the field of banking technology development, created an improved version of SmartSafe.iQ.
One of the major advantages is a wider range of use of software: the new version of SmartSafe.iQ can be ported to all popular operating systems (i.e. MS Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.), and WEB services, Strored Procedures and Java Messaging can be used for its integration into the banking system.
In order to provide hardware support, the new module is able to simultaneously interact with safe deposits from any manufacturer, including the most advanced Recycling safe deposits.
Also, the new version of SmartSafe.iQ allows manage system centrally and remotely.. All elements connection to a network allows banks to implement the reconfiguration of jobs quickly and easily as there is no binding to their physical location. But for institutions seeking to fully automatize cashier workposts, was introdused coin dispenser function.
It should be added that, when developing a new version of the module, BS/2 specialists paid special attention to enhancing security and improving the user interface by means of multilingualism support and expanding the reports base.
According to the leading ATS specialist Valerij Pankratenko, banks haveve become more particular about functionality of automatized systems, reliability, reduction of labour costs, transparency of operations, reporting, and business analytics, and the SmartSafe.iQ solution is fully prepared to implementation of these enquiries.