Thomson Financial, an operating unit of The Thomson Corporation (TSX: TOC, NYSE: TOC) and leading provider of information and technology solutions to the worldwide financial community, today announced that Credit Suisse First Boston's (CSFB) Advanced Execution Services (AES) is accessible via the Thomson AutEx Order Routing global network.
New functionality within AutEx Order Routing supports the FIX custom tags clients need to enter trading parameters. Institutions or buy side dealers take full control of the trade from their desktop entering parameters before the order is sent over the AutEx Network to brokers or sell side traders. The collaboration with CSFB allows institutional clients to access the AES suite of quantitative execution algorithms via their own Order Management System.
"At a time when the buy-side is seeking greater control over the execution of orders, the AutEx Order Routing network is giving our institutional clients the requested access to the premier algorithmic destination," said Manny Santayana, Managing Director, Advanced Execution Services, CSFB. "We're gratified to have worked with the Thomson AutEx team in delivering this access to our institutional clients," Santayana said.
"We were fortunate to work on this development project with CSFB and its AES team, the acknowledged leaders in the algorithmic arena," said Robert Moitoso, senior vice president and head of AutEx, Thomson Financial. "AutEx continues to be successful in leveraging its historical strengths and providing innovative technology solutions to both the buy-side and sell-side institutional investor communities," said Moitoso.
Thomson AutEx Order Routing is one of a suite of AutEx products used by trading partners to identify market liquidity and place orders. AutEx facilitates the high-speed transfer of multiple FIX compliant message types over a concentrated global network. Access to the AutEx Network and services is provided via a single connection.
Thomson AutEx is the industry's leading online real-time network and database for block order indications and trade advertisements. The AutEx community consists of traders at institutional and domestic institutions, broker dealers, exchanges, ECNs and ATSs, either connecting directly to AutEx, or through service bureaus or order management systems. Over 800 of the world's leading brokers and institutions rely on AutEx to access global pools of liquidity, and every day, one million messages are transmitted on the system between buyers and sellers.