OnixS is pleased to announce that the OnixS directConnect: Nyse Liffe UTP XDP Market Data Handler solution for the new Nyse Liffe Universal Trading Platform (UTP) Exchange Data Publisher (XDP) service has completed conformance testing and pre-certification.
Wayne Meikle, Commercial Director at OnixS, said "The older LIFFE Connect API is currently subject to a phased decommissioning as it is migrated to the new NYSE LIFFE Universal Trading Platform. This migration is complex, time critical, and resource demanding for member firms. The OnixS directConnect: NYSE LIFFE UTP XDP Market Data Handler solution offers an out-of-the-box maintained and pre-certified solution to ease these migration challenges."
These OnixS directConnect NYSE UTP solutions are designed for high throughput, low latency demands, and include the:
• OnixS directConnect: NYSE LIFFE UTP XDP Market Data Handler for real time market data and order book image management
• OnixS directConnect: NYSE LIFFE UTP CCG-Binary Trade Handler providing the lowest latency option for order entry to NYSE LIFFE markets
The OnixS directConnect high performance direct market access solutions are designed and packaged to save money and time in both the development build and ongoing maintenance of direct market access to a wide range of Exchanges, Liquidity Pools and Routing Networks/Brokers.