Travelex Global Business Payments, a leading provider of international payments and foreign exchange solutions, and Kyriba, the leader of the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cash and treasury management solutions, today announced an alliance intended to simplify the execution of domestic and international payments worldwide.
The joint solution will enable a straight-through process for global payments from one portal and afford enterprise-wide visibility of cash flows and forecasts across all currencies.
The Travelex/Kyriba partnership expands the services available to corporate treasuries around the globe by offering improved currency exchange choices and providing an alternative for the execution of payments directly available through a treasury management system.
"Our partnership with Kyriba equips our joint customers, many of whom use multiple banks and deal with a number of different currencies, with full transparency into their transactions and balances with the ability to settle payments quickly anywhere in the world," said Adam Tiberi, Senior Vice President of Global Product Management for Travelex. "Today's global economy demands faster and improved money transfer tools to efficiently manage cash and liquidity. The Travelex/Kyriba partnership makes this a reality."
Kyriba's SaaS treasury platform allows for rapid integration with Travelex's Global Payment System, facilitating a shorter delivery time and security for executing payments. Jean-Luc Robert, CEO of Kyriba, added: "Kyriba's on-demand treasury platform enables our customers to automate treasury processes and standardize workflows while improving activity reporting and reducing errors. This is paramount in the context of payments for gaining visibility and increasing controls while impacting forecasts real-time. Partnering with Travelex leverages a world leader in payments to enhance the solutions available to our clients."