Nyse Euronext (NYX) announces the launch of NYSE Money Sense, a new online educational resource for consumers to improve their money-management skills and knowledge.
With literally hundreds of financial education resources available to consumers, NYSE Money Sense seeks to help connect consumers to valuable content, tools and online resources.
NYSE Money Sense encompasses a wide spectrum of personal-finance topics, connecting consumers with a variety of leading sources and experts in the financial industry to provide insights on topics ranging across five category umbrellas: Earn, Spend, Save, Borrow and Protect. NYSE Euronext is also encouraging its listed companies to further advance financial literacy, distribute NYSE Money Sense content to their employees, and offer links to the NYSE Money Sense on their internal networks.
"Financial education is a priority at NYSE Euronext and NYSE Money Sense offers high-quality, trusted information on personal finance and money management for consumers and employees of our listed companies," said Duncan L. Niederauer, CEO, NYSE Euronext. "The importance of being financially literate is underscored by the financial crisis and by the kind of decisions Americans face in their everyday lives."
Features include:
* The Course: A series of financial education lessons that lead up to a test so users can check their own financial literacy and obtain an NYSE Euronext promotional certificate showing their score on the test
* Ultimate Web Guide: In-depth reviews of sites containing financial advice, education or information
* Financial FAQs: Straightforward answers to frequently-asked questions about personal finance
* Dilemmas: Multi-media personalized questions, answered by top experts in the financial community
To create NYSE Money Sense, NYSE Euronext worked closely with Dr. Tahira K. Hira, PhD, a professor of personal finance and consumer economics, who vetted the site content. Dr. Hira is chairing the NYSE Euronext Financial Literacy Advisory committee which is composed of some of the most respected names in financial literacy and education.
Dr. Hira said: "I am very proud of NYSE Euronext for making financial literacy one of its priorities, and for dedicating resources and expertise to develop and make high quality financial education resources available to general public and the employees of its listed companies. The current economic crisis has demonstrated the need for a better preparation of all Americans in key financial concepts so that they can successfully function in an increasingly complex financial environment. I am honored to be part of this effort."
The Financial Literacy Advisory Committee will assist in the development of NYSE Euronext's financial Literacy programs, and will review and recommend various opportunities to advance this initiative. Its members are:
* Dr. Tahira K. Hira, professor, Iowa State University, and internationally known leader in the field of Personal Finance and Consumer Economics. For over 30 years has taught graduate and undergraduate courses and conducted research in family financial management, investing, consumer credit, gambling and consumer bankruptcy in the United States and abroad.
* John Hope Bryant, founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Operation HOPE, America's first non-profit social investment banking organization;
* Muriel Siebert, founder, president and chief executive officer of Muriel Siebert & Co., Inc. and the first woman member of the NYSE;
* Alvin Hall, financial educator and 25-year veteran of Wall Street, author of many articles and several bestselling books, and former host of the BBC's award-winning series, Your Money or Your Life;
* Dr. Jeanne M. Hogarth, manager for the Consumer Education and Research Section of the Division of Consumer and Community Affairs at the Federal Reserve Board and 13 year veteran on the consumer economics faculty at Cornell University;
* Walter Schubert, a third generation member of the NYSE, Founder and CEO of The Schubert Group LLC, and founder of The Gay Financial Network, the first fully integrated financial information and services website for the LGBT community.
NYSE Money Sense launched on April 1, 2010 in conjunction with National Financial Literacy Month (April). Additionally, NYSE Euronext will celebrate Financial Literacy Week during April 26 - 30 when Opening and Closing Bells will recognize listed companies and other organizations for their contributions to financial literacy and advocacy. Among the companies and organizations being recognized that week are Charles Schwab, Visa, the Principal Financial Group, Viacom's MTV subsidiary, Morgan Stanley and Biz-Kids$, the McGrawHill Companies, Operation Hope, and the Financial Services Roundtable. On April 28, NYSE Euronext markets in Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, New York and Paris will dedicate the market opens to financial literacy.