+Trader, the product suite offering the latest and most advanced data-viewing and trading capabilities, today announced that it will be accessing both of Winterflood Securities' electronic trading platforms - "Winner" for internal market making liquidity and "Win-X" for DMA with a sophisticated SOR.
+TRADER provides comprehensive, global coverage of market data with integrated in-depth analysis tools. The +TRADER product suite incorporates a diverse range of stepped products from the simple UK viewing platform, all the way though to a full International product with complex trading access to a wide variety of exchanges, RSPs and MTFs.
+TRADER will offer DMA trading via Win-X, Winterflood's Pan European order routing platform which has connections to the leading Exchanges and MTFs. Orders can be routed to seek out the best price or increased liquidity across these multiple pools through the sophisticated SOR. Win-X also allows clients to route care orders to a dedicated sales trader and offers algorithmic trading. +TRADER will also access Winner, Winterflood Securities' internal exchange providing access to our in-house liquidity with executions priced at Wins BBO or better. By dealing away from the order book clients receive one fill which results in significant reductions in transaction costs by saving Exchange and MTF fees.
Philip Yarrow, Director, Electronic Trading Winterflood Securities, comments; "With advanced data-viewing and trading capabilities, +TRADER is a product suite sure to gain its share of the market. We look forward to providing this new platform with DMA alongside our well established market making service to +TRADER users in the UK and overseas."
Doug Lawrence, Head of Sales, +TRADER, comments; "Winterflood is an experienced DMA provider and with the largest stock coverage of any market maker in London gives a powerful combination for users of +TRADER. We have worked closely with Winterflood during pre-release testing of the +TRADER product suite and look forward to a successful future."