Tag, the leader in independent Best Execution transaction analysis in the US will debut a suite of new global products at Trade Tech Europe in Paris on April 22nd and 23rd at CNIT Center.
This is our second year exhibiting at the largest trading and technology event in Europe where our straightforward, proven transaction and cost analysis have already helped many firms. Visit us at Booth #134 to discover easy-to-use, comprehensive, online solutions for the Buy Side, the Sell Side and all Execution Venues. We will be happy to show you a demo of these products and more.
TAG TCA Online Tool
Explore TAGs brand-new benchmarks for transaction cost analysis in the US and now Europe! Your statistics can be easily segmented to research trades, orders, symbols, traders and other important aspects of your order flow. Or drill down into various types of orders to the market data level for very detailed research. There are many possibilities available to help prove your transparency and Best Execution.
Market Center Competitive Analysis
Originally created for Europe, TAGs comprehensive online analysis of all execution venues against the Best Bid and Offer, is now available for the US too! Measure on a daily basis using TAGs performance benchmark, your firms statistics compared with other venues.
Tick Data Tool
TAGs market data products contain over 12 years of historical US Equity and OPRA tick data. The ability to access and sort this archive was developed to assist trading professionals and our academic affiliates with research for developing and testing algos, validating trade quality for compliance, time + sales queries and exploring trends in the marketplace.
Another new development for TAG is our partnering with Cheuvreux! Utilizing their excellent research abilities, this Top Tier1 broker will be offering a monthly newsletter on liquidity fragmentation analysis. Cheuvreux sought out TAG to be an ongoing contributor based on our expertise and independent creditability in the global transaction world.