Xtrakter, the fixed income market utility, announced today the fourth edition of its league table of execution venues.
This edition tracks the movement of liquidity for both fixed income and equities during the whole of 2008 with additional analysis being provided on the last quarter.
The top five execution venues for equities for the whole of 2008 as processed by Xtrakter were as follows: in first place was the NYSE Euronext (Paris) with 17.69%, in second place was Chi-x Europe with 9.92%, in third place was Deutscher Kassenverein with 8.10%, in fourth place was the London Stock Exchange with 6.83% and in fifth place was Deutsche Boerse with 6.30%. It was noted when reviewing the combined venues of executions that the NYSE Euronext and the Deutsche Boerse group of companies captured 23.96% and 14.38% respectively. OTC execution represented 21.96% of all equity trades conducted by Xtrakter clients during this period.
A detailed breakdown of the top 40+ venues and their percentage share are listed on Xtrakter.com/executionvenues.aspx
The top five execution venues for fixed income for 2008 as processed by Xtrakter were as follows: in first place was Tradeweb Europe with 2.13%, in second place was MTS S.P.A with 1.60%, in third place was ICAP Electronic Brokering (Europe) with 1.54%, in fourth place was Bondvision with 0.60% and in fifth place was NYSE Euronext (Amsterdam) with 0.54%. It was noted that when reviewing the combined venues of execution that the MTS group of companies captured 3.71% of the total share. OTC remained the preferred method for Xtrakter clients to execute fixed income trades during 2008 representing 89.17% of the total.
Xtrakter is a unique market entity holding considerable data on live bonds and equities, redeemed securities, fixed income pricing, bond yields, new issuance, securities terms and conditions, coupon rates, corporate actions and more for over 1.5m instruments, dating back as far as 1981.
*League tables are based on the number of transactions processed by Xtrakter and not nominal value. The tables do not include data relating to systematic internalisers (SIs) or general data for trades conducted on the LSE stock exchange trading system. The LSE trades that are listed by Xtrakter require onward reporting to non UK competent authorities. The venues of execution are defined by their corresponding Market Identifier Codes (MICs). Venue titles are derived from the official MIC directory and therefore Xtrakter accepts no responsibility for the titles given to venues of execution in the aforementioned league.