Logicscope Limited, the leading provider of multi-asset trade notification integration solutions connecting global trading venues with end user clients has launched TradeSTPConnect - its fully-hosted STP solution.
TradeSTPConnect provides seamless multi-asset post-trade notification to end user clients of banks and trading platforms, eliminating much of the operational, implementation and support resources required typically for bespoke client-side integration. Trade notification messages published via a single connection to TradeSTPConnect are transformed and routed automatically to approved end user clients. End user clients, in turn, receive trade notifications (as authorised) from multiple trading venues via a single Radianz connection and/or the Internet (with the option of a zero footprint solution) in the formats they require for efficient back office processing.
"Everybody wins with our innovative TradeSTPConnect solution. Seamless and painless transformation, extensive routing capabilities and guaranteed, sub-second delivery of post-trade messages for multiple asset types to multiple end users - through a single, secure connection - significantly enhances trading functionality and cross-enterprise dealing efficiency." says Nick Dyne, CEO of Logicscope Limited. "End user clients in turn benefit enormously from receiving real-time post-trade messages delivered from multiple trading venues through a single connection to TradeSTPConnect, delivered directly to their back office environments, with minimal IT integration requirements".
Delivered in a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model to minimise change to a user's in-house software and infrastructure, TradeSTPConnect's scalable, secure and resilient hosted solution for multi-asset post-trade notification significantly reduces the effort required by banks (and platforms) for bespoke client-side post-trade integration and providing ongoing IT support to end users. Protocols developed by Logicscope between trade publishers (trading venues), the TradeSTPConnect host and end user sites are optimised to support fast delivery of new asset types to end users. Publishers can also permission new data streams very quickly ckckly without the need to modify firewalls, routing and/or hardware infrastructures. On the client-side, pre-built adapters support rapid deployment with minimal IT effort. TradeSTPConnect's extensive routing capabilities can stream messages simultaneously to branch, regional and global back office applications of end user organisations.