Protecting customer credit card data from hackers and identity theft is not just good for customers, it is essential for any merchant, bank, or credit union wanting to maintain client trust and remain free of payment card industry (PCI) data breaches.
But complying with PCI Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) is difficult for many companies - or was, until this week's launch of Hyperion Security Inc.'s HyperSecur(SM) PCI Compliance services offering).
One of only a few information security companies in the world authorized by the PCI Standards Security Council and all major credit card brands to provide PCI compliance services, Hyperion Security is led by CEO Michael La Barge, a data security expert who spent 20 years analyzing and improving security for government and Fortune 500 companies worldwide. When La Barge decided to create his own company, he assembled an industry-leading team of security experts certified and trained to work with each client to uncover potential vulnerabilities - and then create customized solutions to shore up those weak areas.
"Our consultants work with clients beyond the standard checklist employed by most other information security companies," La Barge explained. "They really get into each client's systems and dataflows to find the problem spots. Because hackers and thieves work around the clock to find new ways to access data, it is critical to identify and mitigate those risks properly before costly system breaches can occur."
To that end, La Barge and his team now offer HyperSecur(SM) PCI Compliance, a flexible approach that exceeds general business and PCI compliance requirements. Depending on their needs, clients can receive complete assessments, self-assessment guidance, analyses, remediation action plans and training for their PCI compliance requirements. Upon completion of the assessments, Hyperion Security helps clients implement measures and prove compliance. The company's security team also walks clients through preparing for, managing and better responding to information security threats - necessary competencies for any organization working to meet PCI DSS rules.
La Barge stated, "Our HyperSecur(SM) solutions are all based on information security industry standards and best practices, so our clients can take care of business, knowing we are doing everything to protect their information assets."
La Barge would know. In addition to his considerable government and corporate experience, he has taught cyber security to New York State Trooper Academy cadets as well as provided security services to some of the country's leading companies, including AOL. A sought-after public speaker and Service Disabled Veteran, he is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional, Certified Ethical Hacker, Certified Information Systems Auditor and GIAC Certified Incident Handler.