Lightstreamer is a technology for delivering real-time text data to any clients through the Web.
Its server component implements a messaging system based on Http that can manage thousands of streaming connections, where data is pushed to the clients in real asynchronous fashion. Adobe Flex is a cross-platform development framework for creating rich Internet applications (RIAs). A new software development kit (SDK) was released to develop Lightstreamer clients based on Flex and Flash technologies. Now Lightstreamer is a perfect fit for all Flex applications that need asynchronous notifications and messages based on a reliable, optimized and scalable protocol (for example, finance market data, online betting, auctions).
"Lightstreamer, since its inception seven years ago, has supported many types of client technologies", said Alessandro Alinone, CTO of Lightstreamer, "We started with Web clients, based on HTML and JavaScript, well before the AJAX and Comet terms were coined. Then we added more client SDKs, such as Java and .NET. The new Flex SDK was requested by several of our customers, to leverage Lightstreamer Server for both AJAX and Flash/Flex applications, and we are now glad to publicly release it".
The new Flex SDK features a native ActionScript 3 library that handles the communication with Lightstreamer Server and offers a high-level API, used by Flex developers to exploit the publish/subscribe paradigm implemented by Lightstreamer.