Connamara Systems announced today that its FIX hub application now supports connectivity to the ISE Stock Exchange.
The Connamara FIX Hub allows clients to connect multiple systems to a wide range of execution venues through a single interface. The product eliminates the complexity of managing multiple exchange connections. The hub uses QuickFIX, the open source FIX engine, making it a competitively priced option for exchange connectivity.
The ISE Stock Exchange, launched in September 2006, is an all-electronic, Regulation NMS-compliant trading system. ISE's equity trading platform integrates a fully displayed stock market with its innovative MidPoint Match offering for trading equities anonymously at the midpoint price of the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO).
Andrew Brenner, head of the ISE Stock Exchange, said, "The ISE Stock Exchange provides a unique dual structure platform that creates the opportunity for price improvement for orders sent to both our dark pool and our displayed market. We are excited that Connamara Systems has connected to our platform to provide their clients with access to the benefits of trading on our Exchange."
"We are pleased to offer our clients the ability to connect to the rapidly growing ISE Stock Exchange. Our clients are continually seeking liquid products to trade; having the ability to connect ISE, with its innovative order types, enables us to help them fulfill that need," said Jim Downs, founder and CEO of Connamara Systems.