SAI Global, a leading global provider of risk, compliance and ethics solutions, has expanded its offering through the acquisition this month (June) of the Reporting Officers On-line Resource (ROOR).
ROOR is a web-based resource for anti-money laundering (AML) and compliance professionals responsible for AML strategy. With a database covering more than 170 countries, ROOR gives access to the latest intelligence on regulations, warnings and sanctions, as well as news, in-depth country risk profiles and alerts to changes in AML regulations on a global scale. In addition, ROOR provides a rich database of money-laundering typologies.
ROOR is available on a stand-alone basis but will also be linked to SAI Global's existing AML solutions to provide enterprise-wide training and awareness solutions on a global scale. The risk profiled content is dynamically up-dated by ROOR, to provide solutions that can be tailored to job role, jurisdiction and business line. This combined package is being deployed by several leading global banking groups reaching more than half a million users in over 100 different jurisdictions.
Commenting on the deal, Terry Hancock, CEO of SAI Global Compliance said: "ROOR, with its one stop, content rich and dynamic updating capability, is a significant extension to our AML solution set. We are now uniquely positioned to offer AML solutions tailored to language, industry, job role and territory, giving customers a truly global programme from a single expert source. The acquisition further strengthens our position as a leading supplier of global compliance solutions."
SAI Global already provides solutions to more than 100 banking sector customers covering training, newsfeeds and alerts, consulting and the Lawlex risk and policy management toolkit application.
The ROOR database is set to be expanded to cover a broader range of financial crime and corruption data and will be maintained by SAI Global's extensive editorial team.
ROOR key features:
- An at-a-glance 'Country Risk Profile' and 'Warnings, Sanctions and Advisory Notices' guide to AML regulation round the world, including a summary of legislation, regulatory regimes an a and risk assessments, plus other relevant intelligence and evaluations.
- A 'Typologies & Sector Risks' guide to assessing vulnerabilities and areas where extra diligence might be needed.
- Money laundering case studies, features, news and events.
- Email alerts on latest legislation updates.
- 'International Organisations and Initiatives' giving an overview of the aims, powers, activities and achievements of bodies working to combat money laundering.