The first quarter of 2007 has been the best one ever with strong level of activity both on cash and on derivatives markets.
These positive market conditions have allowed all business lines to register an increase in their revenues. As a result, revenues for the first quarter of 2007 reached a record level of EUR 310.1m, a progress of 15.6% compared to the EUR 268.1m achieved in Q1, 2006.
Business analysis
Listing fees: Primary activity has been strong over the first quarter, with 25 new listings compared to 20 during the same quarter in 2006. The success of Alternext is confirmed with 86 companies listed including 11 new listings over the quarter. As a result, quarterly revenues amounted to EUR 12.2m, representing an increase of 37.9% compared to the same quarter a year ago.
t is confirmed with 86 companies listed including 11 new listings over the quarter. As a result, quarterly revenues amounted to EUR 12.2m, representing an increase of 37.9% compared to the same quarter a year ago.
Cash trading: The first quarter of 2007 has been the best one ever on Euronext cash markets, with nearly 74 million cash transactions completed. Compared with the 57.7 million transactions recorded during the same quarter in 2006, this represents an increase of 28.1%.
Thanks to this high level of activity, revenues from cash trading amounted to EUR 89.9m in Q1, 2007 (+23.1% compared to the EUR 73.1m booked in the same quarter last year).
Derivatives trading: Euronext.liffe traded a record quarter across all the product lines of derivatives products: equity products including B-Clear products (+18% YOY), interest rates products (+23% YOY) and commodity products (+17% YOY).
B-Clear, the Exchange's wholesale administration and clearing service, confirms its strong success: more than 21 million contracts have been dealt over the first 3 months of the year.
Revenues from derivatives trading stood at EUR 115.3m, +17.9% compared to the level of Q1, 2006 (EUR 97.8m).
MTS fixed-income: Revenues realised in Q1, 2007 were EUR 6.1m, an increase of 2.5% compared to Q1, 2006, benefiting from record volumes for the Repo and BondVision markets.
Settlement and custody: This activity has been healthy this quarter, registering a progress in its revenues of 11.4%, to EUR 3.9m, thanks to the rise of share market prices and combined with an increase in volumes.
Information services: This activity benefited from the growth in the number of terminals, and from the contribution of Hugin from the 1st of January 2007 (EUR 2.9m) and CompanyNews from March 2006 (EUR 1m in Q1, 2007).
As a result, quarterly revenues progressed by more than 25%, passing from EUR 26.2m in Q1, 2006 to EUR 32.8m this quarter.
Sales of software: GL Trade realised stable revenues compared to last year, amounting to EUR 44.7m as a combination of the sale of Fermat on 1 January 2007 and the integration of OBMS (acquired in September 2006) and Emos (acquired in July 2006).
Other Revenues: These revenues amounted to EUR 5.0m this quarter. The decrease of EUR 3.1m compared to Q1, 2006 was due to termination of the service agreement on space rental with AEMS in London.