UK-based Future Dynamics has unveiled plans to port its futures and options trading system software to a range of handheld devices and Pocket PCs.
Initially using the new Compaq iPAQ, FD has been trialing its complete range of products, including beta versions of pocketcrossfire, pocketviewpoint and pocketload&go.
Steve Grob, FD’s CEO comments: "Soon we will be able to offer access to the worlds electronic futures exchanges including a/c/e, Eurex, Liffe and Globex, securely over the Internet via a Pocket PC. Users will also be able to receive their real time order book (with built in audio and visual alerts), process their own allocations and view their statement all via a hand held Internet enabled PC."
He says the development plan encompasses all the main global telecom standards, including CSMD, GSM, and GPRS.
The Future Dynamics product range aims to deliver front-to-back office functionality from trade inception to completion. Crossfire handles pre-trade order routing, risk management, and execution across a global order book; Viewpoint offers real-time matching and allocation; and Load&Go interfaces with back office systems.