Standard Bank Asia has implemented Financial Software Systems' Spectrum treasury trading package in its Hong Kong dealing centre to manage money market instruments, interest rate derivatives, and bonds.
The Hong Kong office of Standard Bank has been using Spectrum to handle its foreign exchange trading activity since November 2001. The software is now processing all of the unit's foreign exchange and interest rate transactions, from deal-capture in the front-office straight through to general ledger accounting in the back-office.
Standard Bank initially licensed Spectrum for its London trading room in 1998, and is currently using the package in London, New York, and Hong Kong. The Hong Kong installation supports 20 users across the bank's interbank dealing, sales, and private banking desks.
In Hong Kong, the package has been implemented on a Unix-Sybase platform running over an internal network. Philadelphia-based Financial Software Systems also offers Spectrum on a Windows 2000-MS SQL 2000 platform.