MasterCard has launched a package of services designed to help financial institutions migrate to chip technology as part of an effort to drive uptake of smart cards in the United States.
With OneSmart MasterCard, all of MasterCard's global smart card solutions, technical expertise, and marketing support are being consolidated under a new banner. The programme is designed to provide a four-point approach covering all aspects of chip roll-out, including consumer value proposition, market-ready technology solutions, end-to-end implementation support and global marketing initiatives.
MasterCard currently has 100 million chip cards in circulation worldwide, but has yet to achieve a significant breakthrough in the nascent US market.
"It has become increasingly evident to us that our members see smart cards as a way to offer differentiated programmes," remarks Art Kranzley, chief e-business officer, MasterCard International. "Seen in this light, chip is not a product, but a powerful technology for providing truly unique, value-added features and services. Accordingly, there is no pre-packaged OneSmart card programme being offered; rather, members are empowered to choose from an expanding array of possibilities."
MasterCard has trademarked the term OneSmart, and is making available six optional card design families to its issuers. Members also have the option of placing the OneSmart word mark on their own card designs.