Glasgow-based Britannic Asset Management has successfully implemented the LandMark trade order management system from Argenesis. Britannic selected LandMark, citing the need to support a new centralised dealing function and to eliminate the manual processing of deal tickets.
David Scott, head of IS, Britannic Asset Management, says the new trade order system is an essential component in the company's straight-through processing (STP) strategy and has eliminated several inefficient manual processes.
Britannic uses LandMark for order entry, dealing and pre-trade compliance. The system interfaces with Britannic's portfolio account system, Primark's Icon.
The next phase of implementation includes the rollout out of full modeling and rebalancing functionality to Britannic's fund managers. Britannic also plans to enhance its automated trading capabilities with LandMark, for instance through electronic receipt of Indications of Interest.
Currently six European fund managers, 12 UK fund managers and five centralised dealers use LandMark. The product is part of Argenesis' LongView trade order management product line. Argenesis recently released LongView 2000 and will launch LongView TradeXpress, an e-business trade order management solution, in late 2000.