Sanchez Computer Associates has ported its Profile/Anyware enterprise banking system to Linux, the open source operating system.
Frank Sanchez, company CEO says the Linux version of Profile will provide institutions with a low-cost, yet reliable and highly scalable operating platform. "This is a very attractive alternative platform for financial institutions looking to launch direct and Internet bank initiatives," says Sanchez. "We maintained almost 100 percent compatibility with our Unix implementation and ported the complete application and operating utilities."
Profile, which also operates on IBM, Compaq and Hewlett-Packard Unix-based servers, was ported to a Red Hat version of Linux, and initially tested on IBM Netfinity servers. Sanchez also plans to support Profile on Compaq's line of Linux/Intel-based servers.
Philip Chenard, vice president of platforms and technology integration for Sanchez, says the company will conduct formal benchmarks on a number of hardware configurations over the next few months. "We are confident that we have a real price/performance winner on this platform," he adds.