Wojciech Bolanowski, managing director of Electronic Banking, PKO Bank Polski explains to Finextra how the firm's IKO Project, an account based mobile payments service for Poland, is not a fight against the cards market.
Bolanowski explains that IKO allows PKO Bank to reach a segment of the market where cards may not be present, such as ecommerce.
PKO Bank's presentation of the service at MobeyDay 2013 in Barcelona earlier this week prompted a member of the audience to ask how the bank explained the service to the likes of MasterCard and Visa.
As a card issuer, PKO Bank has a good relationship with the card networks, says Bolanowski, and there is "no official tension".
"Visa and MasterCard used to explain: 'We are not fighting each other...we are fighting cash. Which is why we can explain now, we are fighting cash, we are not fighting with the cards," he adds.
Bolanawski spoke to Finextra at MobeyDay: