Six Swiss Exchange to move Swiss Block dark pool to SmartPool

Six Swiss Exchange to move Swiss Block dark pool to SmartPool

SIX Swiss Exchange is to move its Swiss Block dark pool service for Swiss blue chips to SmartPool, following the closure of the Nyfix Euro Millennium platform earlier this week by new owners Nyse Technologies.

The Swiss Exchange says it will make the switch to the SmartPool platform - set up by Nyse Euronext and leading investment banks - by mid-December.

Christian Katz, CEO, SIX Swiss Exchange, comments: "We are pleased to be working with SmartPool as a successor to Nyfix. SmartPool brings with it significant expertise and an international client base."

SmartPool head Lee Hodgkinson was a prime mover in the creation of Swiss Block during his days as head of SWX Europe, the Swiss exchange's pan-European trading arm.

He says: "By combining SIX Swiss Exchange's own members with Smartpool's growing community of users, today's announcement is further proof that our superior economies of scale and market leading technology is attracting the largest and most diverse dark pool trading community in Europe."

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