WestLB Panmure, the investment banking and equities arm of Germany's WestLB Group, is to use HelioGraph's Helio YAMS as an internal news distribution and chat system for its international trading operations.
The bank has commenced the roll out of YAMS initially to 300 trading floor users. It plans to extend the product beyond the dealing room to IT staff, for communication and real time contact with the trading floor.
The group selected YAMS because of its focus on trading floor functionality, says Stefan Haschke, IT manager at WestLB Panmure. "YAMS provides an additional medium with which to share information on the trading floor simultaneously in different locations world-wide. It combines the real-time aspect of the telephone with the flexibility and 'record-creating' character of mail or email," he says.
The system can be used alongside existing applications without affecting overall performance or requiring any upgrades, says Heliograph. Messages are broadcast by topic and users have the power to decide exactly which information they receive by 'subscribing' or 'unsubscribing' to specific topics. The product also provides a one-to-one messaging facility for confidential person to person dialogue.