Wells Fargo is to intall Syntegra's ITS voice trading platform at its foreign exchange trading desks in 12 US cities.
Each position will be equipped with Syntegra's pV405i turret, Racal recorders and Ring Master intercoms. The west coast bank has additionally awarded Syntegra a five-year maintenance contract for the installation.
Wells Fargo says Syntegra was selected after a three month review of voice trading technology because it had the capability to serve multiple, remote locations and offered computer telephony integration (CTI) capabilities and a variety of support services.
Wells Fargo says it expects to leverage Syntegra's CTI technology soon, in particular functionality for displaying individual account information on the trader's monitor whenever a regular customer calls the organisation. The information is formatted based on traders' preferences and can include past recommendations, present market positions and details on specific stocks of interest.