Gresham Computing has hired Dave Deller, the former managing director of Fundtech UK, to take on its European business operations and spearhead the firm's promotion of Real Time Nostro services to the correspondent banking commmunity.
Deller's appointment follows the news in April of Cable & Wireless scaling back its involvement in the delivery of real-time nostro services to the banking community and handing over primary responsibility for sales and management of the hub-based system to software partner Gresham Computing.
With more than 28 years experience in technology sales, senior management and directorship, Deller's key objective in his new role is to build a team of banking and treasury specialists who will work with both data provider and subscriber banks to extend the uptake of RTN.
Deller is well-known on the payments systems circuit having spent the past seven years managing sales within the sector. As well as Fundtech, Deller has held positions at Compaq, Tandem and ICL.