ATM manufacturer Wincor Nixdorf is introducing software designed to speed up replenishment and repair of cash machines by eliminating the use of mechanical keys.
Currently, cash top-ups and repairs to ATMs require the use of mechanical keys, with the relevant sets of keys carried in the armoured vehicles by couriers. In practice, ad-hoc visits to repair and replenish machines outside planned itineraries haven proven complicated and time-consuming.
Wincor Nixdorf says its eLock Banking Service is based on the 'Leicher Safelock WTU', an electronic safe lock and works without mechanical keys, ensuring easy, unhindered access to machines.
The security software package generates an encrypted single use unlocking code which is transmited by telephone or SMS text message to ATM technicians on site. The code is then entered along with a PIN number on the lock of an ATM. The safe lock system then unscrambles the unlocking code, compares the user PIN, the serial number of the lock and time information and, if all the data is in order, opens the unit.
Wincor Nixdorf says the service has already been introduced successfully in Germany.