Cyber On-Air subsidiary, China On-Air has entered a partnership with Hong Kong-based trading software supplier Singlee Software to jointly market mobile securities dealing solutions in China.
Under terms of the agreement, China On-Air's wireless Internet applications, including WAP technology, will be integrated with Singlee's securities-trading system, allowing brokers to supply the latest stock market information and analysis to their clients, and to execute stock transactions via a wireless Internet-enabled mobile phone or other equipment.
Jack Wong, chief executive officer, Singlee Software, says: "By last September 20, there were 65 million mobile phone users in China, and from 2003, all new mobile phones will be Internet-enabled. This rapid growth in mobile Internet use heralds a proliferation in wireless access to stock trading and financial services."
He believes China's entry to the WTO will also speed up the development of the financial industry and increase the demand for wireless securities-trading services.