National Australia Bank has implemented a system from Honolulu's Kamakura for its operational liquidity management and regulatory reporting needs.
Kamakura's net income simulation software package KRM-ni allows for liquidity risk measurement on a daily basis, says the vendor, which satisfies the liquidity risk measurement requirements of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (Apra). The package is being applied by NAB to the daily processing of more than one million transactions.
"It is not often that I get to oversee an IT project from conception to completion, and to have one that delivered under budget and which has delivered the promised benefits within days of going live is just great." says Chris Matten, head of group capital management at the National Australia Bank of the implementation.
Donald van Deventer, president of Kamakura Corporation says the National's daily processing of more than one million transactions through a range of cash flow scenarios is the most intensive usage of a net income simulation package in the world.