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2021 (1)
Mark Alcaide

Mark Alcaide

Senior Managing Director, Consulting at Foreside
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Bio Mark Alcaide leads the compliance consulting practices and engages directly with clients to fashion innovative service and pricing offerings. His career has focused on business and client relationship development, delivering and managing professional services and overseeing financial and administrative operations. He is a strategic-minded senior executive with more than 25 years of experience running operations and finance across various industries.



The Tech Conundrum: At What Point Does Automation Become ‘Too Much’ of a Good Thing?

22 Sep 2021

Amid broader digital transformation trends, many service providers have re-imagined their value proposition to take advantage of new technologies. The compliance consulting space is no different. The prevailing question, however, is at what point does the focus on technology begin to crowd out the human elements in the value chain and, more import...