Heartland to provide card spending analytics

Source: Heartland

Heartland Payment Systems, recently merged with Global Payments Inc. (GPN), a worldwide provider of payment technology services, today announced the unveiling of Heartland Insights, a data and analytics service available to Heartland merchants.

Heartland Commerce will debut the service at the National Restaurant Association show in Chicago, May 21-24, 2016, with an official launch scheduled July 1, 2016.

Designed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses, Insights leverages Heartland’s acquisition of Beanstalk Data to help restaurants seamlessly integrate their customer relationship management (CRM) systems and marketing and engagement programs with the Heartland point-of-sale (POS) and ecommerce solutions. Insights is designed to securely provide merchants with valuable data such as:

  • New versus repeat customer business
  • Busiest times of day by customer segment
  • Average customer frequency and spend
  • Insights will empower independent operators to grow their customer base and build brand awareness through meaningful analytics and views into day-to-day operations—leveling the playing field against larger competitors—with one integrated solution.

Key Highlights/Facts

  • Heartland Commerce delivers leading-edge restaurant technology solutions, marketing automation, payments processing capabilities and other adjacent business service applications, serving the hospitality and retail industries.
  • More than 100,000 customer locations use Heartland Commerce software and marketing automation programs.
  • With more than 135,000 restaurant merchant relationships, the Heartland segment has approximately 19 percent share of the entire restaurant market, including close to 26 percent share of table service restaurants, according to CHD Expert.

“Insights is a game-changer for small and mid-sized businesses,” said Christopher Sebes, President of Heartland Commerce. "By having access to enterprise-level consumer data provided in easy-to-understand dashboards, independent operators have the ability to make data-driven marketing decisions based on customer behavior.”

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