Sandnes Sparebank has entered into a renewed and expanded agreement with EDB ErgoGroup for the supply of IT services. The agreement runs for three years, and represents total contract value in excess of NOK 100 million.
"We are delighted that Sandnes Sparebank has shown continuing confidence in us by entering into this agreement. Sandnes Sparebank is a bank known for its proactive and innovative approach to making use of technology. Our collaboration places demands on us as the bank's IT partner, and I look forward to our continuing collaboration", comments Wiljar Nesse, Head of the Financial Services business area at EDB ErgoGroup.
"We have a long-standing and good collaboration with EDB ErgoGroup, both for systems development and IT operations. This gives us a sound foundation to build on. As well as this, in choosing our supplier we have placed particular emphasis on finding an innovative partner who can support us in our commitment to being a customer-focused and cost-efficient bank", explains Sune Svela Madland, Head of Business Development and Support at Sandnes Sparebank.
Creating the banking solutions of the future
As part of its agreement with EDB ErgoGroup, Sandnes Sparebank has launched a new mobile bank solution for iPhone and Android users. Apple's App Store reports that this app has so far received a unanimous top score from the banking customers that use it. Sandnes Sparebank is also implementing a new branch office solution provided by EDB ErgoGroup.
Sandnes Sparebank and EDB ErgoGroup also intend to work on the development of the branch office platform of the future. This will in part be achieved by setting up a virtual desktop solution, which will allow all processing to take place at computer centres. This approach will pave the way for seamless delivery of functionality whether through PCs, tablets or smart phones.
About the agreement
The agreement covers the delivery of solutions and operating services for the bank's electronic services. In addition, the agreement extends to new services for mobile banking, bank branch offices and virtualisation. The agreement runs for three yeears, with an option to extend for a further two years. The three-year agreement represents total contract value in excess of NOK 100 million.