DRO|WST uses Orc for advanced VIX options trading

Source: Orc

Orc Software (SSE: ORC), a leading provider of technology and services for the global financial industry, today announced that Chicago-based broker-dealer DRO|WST is using Orc Trader for sophisticated VIX options quoting and trading. The order was booked in Q1 2011, and the contract is based on Orc's licensing subscription model.

DRO|WST is using Orc Trader to improve the efficiency of their quoting and trading of VIX options on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Orc Trader will allow DRO|WST to quickly and easily manage their volatilities, identify profitable trading opportunities, and execute trades to capture those opportunities.

"We needed a quoting solution that lets us simplify our trading and streamline our processes," comments Michael Dalesandro, Principle at DRO|WST. "Orc Trader gave us a turnkey solution that lets our traders spend more time in the market and less time managing the system. In particular, their modeling for the VIX is excellent and allowed us to get the system up and running fast. We look forward to adding more traders to our firm to take advantage of this solution."

"The VIX is a challenging product to trade, so we invest our resources into building high-performance systems that support markets like the VIX," notes Steve Lukes, VP of Americas Sales at Orc Software. "With tighter spreads and more challenging markets, being able to spend more time on actual trading and less time on setting up for the trade offers clients like DRO|WST a real competitive advantage."

The Orc Trading solutions are used by leading financial firms worldwide for market making, volatility trading and high-frequency trading. Together with access to all major cash and derivatives markets and a network of brokers, this is truly an unmatched offering. Orc Trading is available both as deployed software and as a managed service.

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