Inet to join Bloomberg Market Maker page

Source: Inet

Inet ATS, Inc. ("INET"), a subsidiary of Instinet Group Incorporated (NASDAQ: INGP), announced today its participation in Bloomberg's Market Maker Activity (MKAC) page. As a result of INET's participation, INET subscribers now have the option of providing their INET volume to Bloomberg to be aggregated with volume executed in other marketplaces.

"With this new service, INET is providing its subscribers with a valuable tool for more effectively marketing their services," said Alex Goor, President of INET. "Brokers providing liquidity to investors in certain securities will now be able to refer their customers and investors to a third-party site that accurately reflects their contributions."

Prior to INET's relationship with Bloomberg, market participants relied on incomplete sources that failed to include volume executed on INET, one of the largest markets for NASDAQ-listed securities that now accounts for approximately 27.3% of the daily NASDAQ- listed volume.

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