ISE adds Away Market Routing to trading front end

Source: International Securities Exchange

The International Securities Exchange (NYSE:ISE) today announced enhancements to PrecISE Trade, its front-end trading application for broker-dealers to access ISE's options market.

PrecISE now offers Away Market Routing that enables traders to access the entire options market through one workstation.

With Away Market Routing, traders are able to directly route options orders to other markets or sweep the entire marketplace for the best quote. PrecISE accepts orders for all options, including orders for non-ISE listed options. This enhancement allows users to select PrecISE as a single application for all their options trading needs. PrecISE also supports the entry of stock-option combination orders, such as buy-write and delta neutral orders, through its easy-to-use interface.

ISE began its PrecISE rollout in March 2006. Presently, over ninety firms trade through PrecISE, which is active on over 430 desktops. Developed internally by ISE's technology team, PrecISE continues to undergo enhancements and upgrades that provide users with greater trading flexibility.

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