San Francisco
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2023 (1)
Kyle Polley

Kyle Polley

Engineering Manager, Infrastructure and Security at Pipe
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Bio Kyle is an Engineering Manager, Infrastructure and Security at Pipe, the modern capital platform built to connect entrepreneurs and business owners to fast, frictionless, dilution-free financing. Career History Kyle has spent over a decade in IT security, including at NASA Ames Research Center and Robinhood. As an early member of Robinhood's Security team, he spearheaded the creation of the Detection & Response & Threat Intelligence team. He previously worked Worked at NASA Ames in operations and projects in computer networking, cloud computing, and IT security.


Embedded Finance

How to Optimize Security in Embedded Finance

31 Oct 2023

Embedded finance has emerged as a critical component in today's fintech ecosystem, offering an agile, seamless, and consumer-centric way to deliver financial services. This integration transforms many platforms, from online marketplaces to mobile apps, into hubs for financial transactions. While the opportunities are promising, the security of the...