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2024 (1)
Paolo De Vito Piscicelli

Paolo De Vito Piscicelli

Account Director, Financial Services at SoftServe
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Bio As an accomplished professional in the field of technology and data solutions for financial services, I am deeply committed to helping organizations excel in their digital transformation journeys. With a strong passion for the latest technologies, I offer my expertise to drive strategic growth and success for ambitious clients. Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in arranging a demonstration of our cutting-edge technologies. Additionally, our team of skilled professionals specializing in banking can provide rapid assessments to identify the most effective solutions for your specific needs. Together, we can pave the way for your organization's digital transformation and elevate your performance in the ever-evolving financial landscape.



Can AI Cure the Curious Case of COBOL in the Finance Industry?

19 Feb 2024

The banking industry is making concerted efforts to rejuvenate and alter entrenched perceptions of there being too many slow-paced organizations. However, despite many positive signals that banks are adopting disruptive technologies to get them ahead of the curve, many are still hampered by having to rely on a programming language that is over 50 ...