Hanse Orga AG, a leading provider of fully embedded financial software solutions certified by SAP, and the global leader in trusted identity solutions IdenTrust have successfully conducted the first phase of eBAM testing.
The particular focus was on the exchange, validation and processing of ISO 20022 XML messages generated by the Hanse Orga's FinanceSuite eBAM solution and received by IdenTrust Trust Prime eBAM application.
As a result of our joint efforts, Hanse Orga's FinanceSuite eBAM solution is now capable of providing full integration and compatibility with the IdenTrust digital identity and eBAM solutions for bank customers. Clients will be able to use interoperable digital identities to sign and transmit eBAM XML requests electronically from Hanse Orga's FinanceSuite eBAM to the IdenTrust Trust Prime eBAM application which enables streamlined eBAM operations for the opening, closing and maintenance of bank accounts and authorised signatories.
Sven Lindemann, Chief Executive of Hanse Orga, said, "Hanse Orga is thrilled to collaborate with the global player IdenTrust to deliver these new capabilities. A key aspect of our joint efforts is to offer a comprehensive platform utilising industry standard requirements established through the ISO 20022 XML eBAM initiative."
Karen Wendel, CEO of IdenTrust said, "IdenTrust has been testing the receipt and sending of ISO XML eBAM messages with various application vendors and banks on behalf of our corporate and bank customers. As both organisations adhere closely to the standard the testing process was completed quickly. IdenTrust will continue to explore closer integration with leading corporate application providers such as Hanse Orga."
Hanse Orga and IdenTrust will continue to work together to harness the full breadth and potential of their respective eBAM solutions. Joint efforts will focus on safeguarding standardised processes and the complementary use of the ISO 20022 standard across EMEA and US participants.