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US real-time a chance for banks to innovate

Chris Hadorn, Principal, Financial Services, and Troy Hagey, Managing Director, KPMG talk about the opportunities and challenges of the US move to real-time payments, how banks’ business cases for investment are influenced by their progress on the digitalisation journey, and what it means that it’s no longer about the payment, but about the business transaction and the data that come with it.

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Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 01 November, 2016, 17:59Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

If there is "no silver bullit business case," for US Banks, then perhaps being a very ready fast follower might be a good strategy. But, like it or not, it (faster, real-time, immediate, or instant, or whatever payments) it is coming. So, banks need to be ready to pull the trigger.